The Observatory's main publications are the free-access data display interfaces on the website :
Observatory publications
Other publications produced or co-produced by the Observatory are listed here:
Analysis of Net-Zero Alliance signatories' climate plans
November 2023 - This report examines the credibility of the recommendations of the Net-Zero alliances through an analysis of the climate plans of their financial signatories.
These recommendations are not systematically respected by the signatories, and the public data does not cover certain information that is crucial to the analysis of the climate plans.
The study is based on external frameworks such as the Net-Zero Transition Plan (NZTP) of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net-Zero (GFANZ) and the High-Level Expert group on Sustainable Finance (HLEG).
Monitoring the Paris Agreement: understanding the Global Stocktake
The Global Stocktake (GST) is an initiative governed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It follows the first publication of national plans and targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by the parties to the Paris Agreement.
This note deciphers the different phases of the GST and the data it contains, in particular its financial component. Watch the webinar
How to monitor the financial sector's transformation towards a carbon-neutral economy?
February 2023
Download the fileHow to monitor the financial sector's transformation towards a carbon-neutral economy?
Three years after its launch, the Sustainable Finance Observatory wanted to take the time to share the analysis of its first publications, and question a maximum number of actors in order to find a consensus on the indicators to be used to monitor the transformation of the financial center.
This publication presents the results of the study, questions and proposals that were raised and discussed during the OECD and Finance ClimAct’s event: “Workshop on Metrics for Climate Transition and Net-Zero GHGs in Finance - Supporting climate policy goals and avoiding greenwashing”.
Guide to individual commitments
The purpose of this guide is to ensure greater consistency in the presentation of commitments made by financial players in the area of sustainable finance, in order to ensure greater clarity and uniformity following the recommendations of the AMF and the ACPR in 2020. The purpose of this guide is to support financial players who are already reporting their commitments, as well as those who would like to take part in this transparency initiative.
Participation in consultations
Net Zero Data Public Utility
As part of the work of the One Planet Data Hub, announced by the One Planet Summit initiative on 28 October 2021, the French President, Emmanuel Macron, and Michael R. Bloomberg, UN Special Envoy, launched the Climate Data Steering Committee on 3 June 2022. In September 2022, this committee published its initial recommendations, calling for the creation of a Net Zero Data Public Utility (NZDPU), an open data platform that will compile climate data from corporate and financial players.
Finance For Tomorrow, with the participation of the Observatoire de la Finance Durable and co-pilots Melissa Perez of Carbone 4 and Emmanuel de la Ville of Ethifinance, worked on a joint response from the Paris financial centre to this consultation, based on contributions from interested members of the Policy Committee.
The Observatory's activity reports
The Observatory publishes an annual activity report.