Capture d’écran 2025-03-06 162208

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Planning … for financial institution transition plan disclosures

The first climate transition plans in compliance with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) / European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) regulatory requirements are expected during 2025. This paper presents thematic insights about what to look out for in bank and asset manager transition plans in accordance with these CSRD/ESRS regulatory requirements. It is informed by our qualitative review of the most recent disclosures from a sample of banks and asset managers and identifies where disclosures should be closely monitored to ensure compliance with the CSRD/ESRS regulatory requirements.

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The observatory in figures







Why a Sustainable Finance Observatory?

Is the financial sector contributing to the transition to a sustainable economy, compatible with the Paris Agreement?

The Observatory is a transparency initiative launched at Climate Finance Day 2019 to answer this question. It is part of the Finance ClimAct project funded by the European Union. Its founding members are ADEME and the Fondation du Risque of the Institut Louis Bachelier.

The Observatory's members

They take part in the Observatory's governance and works:

The Observatory's threefold governance

The Observatory is hosted by the (Paris Agreement Research Commons (PARC) foundation of the Institut Louis Bachelier. It is governed by three bodies
1. The PARC Strategic Orientation Committee
2. The Observatory's Scientific and Expertise Committee
3. The Political Committee made up of members of the Observatory

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A scientific and expert committee

The Scientific and Expertise Committee (SEC) of PARC foundation ensures that the Observatory's publications are methodologically rigorous. It has a say in methodologies, is involved in all new studies and makes recommendations.

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Become a member of the Observatory

Support the Observatory's transparency project and join a community of players committed to transforming the financial sector. Becoming a member of the Observatory is free. The Observatory is independent and does not represent its members. The call for membership will soon open.

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