July 8, 2024

Observatory membership opens

The Sustainable finance observatory rebuild its governance to ensure its independance, strengthen its scientific integrity and internationalize its studies.

Open to new members

The Observatory opens its Executive Committee to new members. This is an opportunity for all players involved in the transition of finance to participate in the international deployment of the Observatory and support the creation of a global dashboard to understand, compare and monitor the contribution of the various economic players to a low-carbon and sustainable society, by making data and studies available in free access, on an individual and global scale.

It is also an opportunity for French players to showcase their progress and compare their practices, particularly in terms of climate change, with their European and international peers, in order to engage a broad majority in the transition.

All players with an interest in the Observatory are invited to attend, and are grouped into seven colleges: financial players, companies, public authorities and administrations, civil society, think tanks and academics, intermediary bodies and consulting and financial services companies.

Observatory members can participate in working groups to bring their vision, contribute to the development of its studies and take part in its strategic decisions at the plenary meeting.

Joining the Observatory means supporting a transparency project, taking part in the transformation of financial practices for a more sustainable economy, and joining a network of committed players and experts in sustainable finance. ADEME remains the Observatory's main partner.

Membership of the Observatory is free of charge. The Observatory is an independent initiative and does not represent its members.

Monitoring ESG commitments, deciphering transition plans with the Net-Zero Donut, regulatory analyses: discover all the studies carried out on the new website.

New governance

Since January 2024, the Observatory has been housed within the Paris Agreement Research Commons (PARC), a foundation chaired by Bertrand Badré and part of the Institut Louis Bachelier network. PARC's aim is to support applied research in sustainable finance and provide international financial institutions with the knowledge and tools they need to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

The Observatory has redefined the principles and procedures of its governance in order to ensure its ethical and financial stability, the scientific rigor of its studies and the independence of its publications.

This governance is structured around three committees with distinct prerogatives:

  • PARC's Strategic Orientation Committee ensures that the Observatory's values and mission of public utility are respected.
  • PARC Scientific and Expertise Committee ensures the methodological rigor of the Observatory's studies. It has the right to review the methodologies used.
  • The Executive Committee, made up of the Observatory's members, validates its annual plan, examines and validates new research projects hosted by the Observatory, and the associated funding.

Hosted within the network of the Institut Louis Bachelier and its 70 research chairs, as well as the new decision-making role of the Scientific Committee, currently made up of some forty researchers and experts in sustainable finance, enable the Observatory to anchor itself in a high-level research environment.

The Observatory's new charter is available in full transparency on its new website.

Read more about Observatory membership

Write to us to become member

Press release

July 10th, 2024