5 reasons to join the Observatory

Support a transparency project

Be part of the transformation of the financial sector

Join a network of committed players and experts in sustainable finance

Bring your vision in working groups

Enable the Observatory to extend its scope of analysis

Join a network of committed players and experts in sustainable finance

  • The Observatory's members benefit from a rich and varied environment: the Institut Louis Bachelier's network of researchers, proximity to committed financial players, close dialogue with public authorities, supervisors and the civil society.
  • The Observatory promotes its members and their publications on sustainable finance. Members are reciprocally invited to promote the Observatory's work to increase its resonance with financial institutions and public decision-makers.
The internationalization of the Observatory is an opportunity for all players to showcase their lead in the field of transition.

Participate in the Observatory's governance

  • Members make up the Observatory's Executive Committee, one of its three governance bodies.
  • As such, they take part in the biannual plenary session, and are involved in strategic orientations and decisions, in particular the choice of studies carried out by the Observatory.
The Observatory is a compass for financial players, pioneers and laggards alike.

Get involved in the Observatory's studies

  • Members have an exclusive access to the Observatory's work and are consulted on decisions concerning the studies.
  • Members are invited to take part in working groups related to studies in progress, and thus engage in dialogue with experts from think-tanks, research institutes and public authorities on subjects such as the monitoring of net-zero transition plans.

Become member

The Observatory's work is recognized by all for its quality, providing data and analysis, and for offering a reliable and rigorous monitoring of financial players.

Become a member

Free membership, open to all types of players and non-binding

The Observatory is a general-interest initiative, and does not charge membership fees to any player wishing to take part. Membership is open to legal entities.

The Observatory's members make up its executive committee and participate in its governance. The committee is representative of all parties concerned by the transformation of finance: financial players, businesses, consulting and service companies, intermediary bodies, think-tanks, civil society organizations and public authorities. Find out more about the governance.

The Observatory is a transparency initiative, independent of its members and funders. Observatory members are featured on its website and in its communications, but the Observatory does not take positions on their behalf, and its publications do not necessarily reflect their opinions.

Become member

Our working groups

How does collaboration between the Observatory and its members work?

  • The Observatory hosts several studies. Studies are open-access projects, publications or data tables.
  • The Observatory's teams lead a working group for each study.
  • All members are invited to join one or more working groups (e.g.: working group on the development and evolution of the Net-Zero Donut).
  • Member involvement, on a voluntary basis, is limited to analysis and proof-reading. The Observatory teams are in charge of all operational and production work.
  • Working group meetings can be held in English if international members are present. All publications are in English and French.
  • The Observatory's funding members may take on a more specific role in the context of a study they are co-financing.

Find out more about funding members