Recommendations of the Scientific and Expertise Committee

The Observatory's Scientific and Expertise Committee (CSE) ensures the methodological rigour of the Observatory's publications. It has a say in the methodologies used in the studies and data monitoring dashboards, and is involved in all new studies and issues recommendations.

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Report No. 5 on the transparency of fossil fuel financing

14 March 2023 - Given the importance of fossil fuels in the total energy supply, decarbonising financial flows is essential. The CSE's recommendations concern transparency on exposure amounts, transition plans and exit strategies. The CSE stresses the importance of harmonised methodologies for reporting reduction commitments.

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Report No. 4 on key sustainable finance indicators

15 December 2022 - The CSE has evaluated the federations' data publication exercise for the Observatory. Improvement areas were identified: the need for harmonisation between themes, greater precision regarding the indicators' coverage and the addition of historical data.

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Report No. 2-3 on non-conventional hydrocarbons and alignment strategies

22 September 2021 - The CSE offers indicators to study the relevance of financial players' commitments regarding unconventional hydrocarbons. As a second step, the CSE proposes to clarify the concepts of alignment and impact in financial commitments.

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Report No. 1 on coal financing and climate indicators

February 2021 - The Scientific and Expertise Committee presents 16 preliminary recommendations on the Observatory's coal and climate indicators.

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